WS11 7 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

WS11 7 is a postcode sector in Cannock Chase, UK. Below is a complete list of WS11 7 Postcodes (Active). WS11 7 postcode sector comprises of 112 active postcodes. WS11 7 sector has a population of 4942, and it has 1831 properties in the region.

Browse Information On WS11 7 postcode sector

WS11 7 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 4942
Addresses / Property Count 1831
Active Postcodes 112
Nearby Postcode Districts 14
Nearby Postcode Sectors 9

View Map Of WS11 7 Postcode Sector

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showing 0-50 of 112 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
WS11 7AD 52.69290400 -1.99809300 0 114 400226 310580
WS11 7EY 52.69902500 -2.00688300 N/A N/A 399632 311261
WS11 7EZ 52.69887200 -2.00772600 N/A N/A 399575 311244
WS11 7FA 52.69692000 -2.00764700 N/A N/A 399580 311027
WS11 7FB 52.69579600 -2.00724700 N/A N/A 399607 310902
WS11 7FD 52.69827700 -2.00949700 N/A N/A 399455 311178
WS11 7FG 52.69830600 -2.00405600 N/A N/A 399823 311181
WS11 7FH 52.69826100 -2.01050800 N/A N/A 399387 311176
WS11 7FJ 52.69720900 -2.01009300 N/A N/A 399415 311059
WS11 7FL 52.69530400 -1.99796000 10 30 400235 310847
WS11 7FN 52.69525900 -1.99702800 34 84 400298 310842
WS11 7FP 52.69729900 -1.99671700 21 64 400319 311069
WS11 7FQ 52.69760500 -2.00463300 N/A N/A 399784 311103
WS11 7FR 52.69734400 -1.99769300 21 53 400253 311074
WS11 7FS 52.69667000 -1.99482300 8 25 400447 310999
WS11 7FT 52.69649000 -1.99630200 11 32 400347 310979
WS11 7FU 52.69660500 -2.00619700 N/A N/A 399678 310992
WS11 7FW 52.69561800 -1.99624300 19 46 400351 310882
WS11 7FX 52.69623000 -1.99659800 6 22 400327 310950
WS11 7FY 52.69719200 -1.99553300 28 82 400399 311057
WS11 7FZ 52.69763900 -1.99483300 11 35 400446 311107
WS11 7GA 52.69622800 -2.00767600 2 2 399578 310950
WS11 7GB 52.69904200 -2.00437700 N/A N/A 399801 311263
WS11 7GD 52.69851300 -2.00793300 N/A N/A 399561 311204
WS11 7GE 52.69568100 -1.99656900 45 96 400329 310889
WS11 7GF 52.69384700 -2.00885000 N/A N/A 399499 310685
WS11 7GG 52.69438700 -1.99563700 19 55 400392 310745
WS11 7GH 52.69653500 -1.99812200 10 26 400224 310984
WS11 7GJ 52.69715600 -1.99861100 8 27 400191 311053
WS11 7GL 52.69527700 -1.99443800 23 83 400473 310844
WS11 7GN 52.69498000 -1.99285500 18 36 400580 310811
WS11 7GP 52.69466500 -1.99294400 26 43 400574 310776
WS11 7GQ 52.69626600 -1.99794500 7 25 400236 310954
WS11 7GR 52.69552800 -1.99343200 13 24 400541 310872
WS11 7GS 52.69598700 -1.99396500 9 24 400505 310923
WS11 7GT 52.69387400 -1.99584400 9 33 400378 310688
WS11 7GU 52.69499800 -1.99572500 10 34 400386 310813
WS11 7GW 52.69360500 -1.99301800 36 59 400569 310658
WS11 7GX 52.69454900 -1.99510400 13 42 400428 310763
WS11 7GY 52.69338000 -1.99440900 18 62 400475 310633
WS11 7GZ 52.69433300 -1.99656900 6 18 400329 310739
WS11 7JU 52.68847100 -2.01239900 11 30 399259 310087
WS11 7JW 52.68669100 -2.01177700 31 111 399301 309889
WS11 7JX 52.68680800 -2.00989800 28 66 399428 309902
WS11 7JY 52.68695200 -2.01290200 53 117 399225 309918
WS11 7JZ 52.68824400 -2.01615100 N/A N/A 399005 310062
WS11 7LA 52.68945100 -2.01158600 20 52 399314 310196
WS11 7LB 52.68821900 -2.01157100 86 234 399315 310059
WS11 7LD 52.68972100 -2.00858200 33 82 399517 310226
WS11 7LE 52.68892100 -2.00855300 16 54 399519 310137
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